Latin America is an enormous contrast region and is involved in a cultural revolution that offers great challenges for brands. Nowadays, we may see that the Latin American population is young in general, that several countries in the region are on the way to becoming power countries, that Internet ...
Jaspar Eyears
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One of the main reasons why it is difficult to measure public relations strategy results is because, previously, the business goals are not clearly established, but also because the tools and vocabulary used in this area are unknown.
We are thrilled to share the following news.
There are still too many companies and professionals following the traditional format of a Word document attached to an email. However, it is definitely in need of a drastic overhaul. Here are our top seven reasons on why you need to step up your press release game:
When building a PR strategy it is important to consider the following areas and remember to align everything.
Traditionally, the press release was a company’s way to deliver a piece of important news to the media. Now, through the changes in the way audiences consume media (think Facebook rather than broadsheets) and the highly accelerated product cycles of many brands, the press release has become the ...
In Another Company we like to define our main field of action, public relations, in a very simple but effective way: it is the administration of information between a company or individual and its target audiences.