One of the most awaited times of the year before Christmas is almost here: Halloween. Many brands have been waiting for this exciting time as well. You probably even included some initiatives or strategies in your 2021 marketing plan for this day, but how much impact will it have? We might get consumed with excitement, but does it make sense for my brand to participate on this day? Sure it's a fun holiday, and almost all ages join in, but that does not mean that all brands should be a part of it.
Jesús Barreda, Social Media Director who has worked with several Global brands at another, a regional strategic communications independent agency, states: "I believe that Halloween allows brands to be fun and authentic. Brands should act naturally, like any other user online, and not force their communication, becoming cliché. It is important to keep in mind that not all seasons are for all brands and something virtuous can turn into a disaster."
Trick or treating might also look very different this year from what we know, especially since governments encourage people to stay at home and celebrate a little differently. This allows brands to innovate and create something that has never been done before since it may be the first time Halloween celebrations are different.
There is one crucial thing to keep in mind: really understanding whom you are catering to. For example, it would not make much sense that a doctor specializing in obesity hand out candy during that day since it would contradict what they are trying to achieve. Instead, they could share on their social media recipes for "Snacks that won't increase your sugar levels but won't cause you to miss out on the fun" or hand out healthy candy alternatives for the patients they have coming in that day.
another shares three steps of the methodology they have developed to help brands decide whether it is relevant or not to join a trend or seasonality such as Halloween on social networks:
If you consider incorporating this day into your business sales strategy, you might even ask yourself if it's worth investing in. If it aligns with your marketing plan, then that is entirely up to you. You don't have to invest hundreds of dollars, but whatever activity you consider, you have to make it count, no matter how small it is. Do you want to decorate your clinic? Well, give it a theme, something that will make your clients remember what your office looked like a couple of Halloweens down the line.